First observation of strange baryon enhancement with effective energy in pp collisions at the LHC

The production of (multi-)strange hadrons is measured at midrapidity in proton-proton (pp) collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV as a function of the local charged-particle multiplicity in the pseudorapidity interval ${|\eta|<~0.5}$ and of the very-forward energy measured by the ALICE Zero-Degree Calorimeters (ZDC). The latter provides information on the effective energy available for particle production in the collision once subtracted from the centre-of-mass energy. The yields of ${\rm K}^{0}_{\rm{S}}$, $\Lambda+\overline{\Lambda}$, and $\Xi^{-}+\overline{\Xi}^{+}$ per charged-particle increase with the effective energy. In addition, this work exploits a multi-differential approach to decouple the roles of local multiplicity and effective energy in such an enhancement. The results presented in this article provide new insights into the interplay between global properties of the collision, such as the initial available energy in the event, and the locally produced final hadronic state, connected to the charged-particle multiplicity at midrapidity. Notably, a strong increase of strange baryon production with effective energy is observed for fixed charged-particle multiplicity at midrapidity. These results are discussed within the context of existing phenomenological models of hadronisation implemented in different tunes of the PYTHIA 8 event generator.


Accepted by: JHEP
HEP Data
e-Print: arXiv:2409.12702 | PDF | inSPIRE
Figure group

Figure 1

Illustration of the relative positions and pseudorapidity coverage of the ZDC-N, SPD, and V0 detectors used to define event classes in this study. Dimensions are not to scale.

Figure 4

Self-normalised $\langle ZN \rangle$ signal as a function of the self-normalised charged-particle multiplicity measured at midrapidity $\langle n_{\rm ch} \rangle$. Statistical errors are negligible, only systematic uncertainties are shown.

Figure 5

Average number of MPIs from PYTHIA 8 simulations as a function of the self-normalised midrapidity multiplicity $\langle n_{\rm ch} \rangle$ (left) and of the self-normalised forward energy $\langle ZN \rangle$ (right) in the different multi-differential classes introduced in this work. Statistical uncertainties are shown as vertical bars, but they are hardly visible in the figures.

Figure 6

Average transverse momentum of charged pions from PYTHIA 8 simulations as a function of self-normalised midrapidity multiplicity $\langle n_{\rm ch} \rangle$ (left) and of the self-normalised forward energy $\langle ZN \rangle$ (right) in the different multi-differential classes introduced in this work. Statistical uncertainties are shown as vertical bars, but they are hardly visible in the figures.

Figure 7

Invariant mass distributions for ${\rm K^0_S}$ (a), $\Lambda$ (b), and $\Xi^{-}$ (c) in different \pt intervals for the inclusive $\rm{INEL}>0$ class. The candidates are reconstructed in the rapidity interval $|y| < 0.5$. The red and grey areas delimited by the short-dashed lines are used for signal extraction in the bin counting procedure. The red dashed lines represent the fit to the invariant mass distributions used to define signal and background regions.

Figure 8

Transverse momentum distribution of ${\rm K^0_S}$ (left), $\Lambda$ (middle), and $\Xi$ (right) in the high-$ZN$-energy selections (SPDClusters+V0M classes). The bottom panels show the ratios of the spectra in the different classes to the central one. The spectra are scaled by different factors to improve the visibility.

Figure 9

Transverse momentum distribution of ${\rm K^0_S}$ (left), $\Lambda$ (middle), and $\Xi$ (right) in the high-local-multiplicity selections (SPDClusters+V0M classes). The bottom panels show the ratios of the spectra in the different classes to the central one. The spectra are scaled by different factors to improve the visibility.

Figure 10

Self-normalised yield ratios of ${\rm K^0_S}$, $\Lambda$, and $\Xi$ in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13 \rm TeV$ in the standalone selection (V0M classes). The ratios are shown as a function of the average charged-particle multiplicity $\langle n_{\rm ch} \rangle$ (left) and the forward energy $\langle ZN \rangle$ (right) self-normalised to the minimum bias ($\rm INEL>0$) value. Statistical and total systematic uncertainties are shown by error bars and boxes, respectively.

Figure 11

Self-normalised yield ratios of ${\rm K^0_S}$, $\Lambda$, and $\Xi$ in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13 \rm TeV$ in the high/low multiplicity and high/low $ZN$ selections (V0M+SPDClusters classes). The ratios are shown as a function of the average charged-particle multiplicity $\langle n_{\rm ch} \rangle$ (left) and the forward energy $\langle ZN \rangle$ (right), self-normalised to the minimum bias ($\rm INEL>0$) value. Statistical and total systematic uncertainties are shown by error bars and boxes, respectively.

Figure 12

Self-normalised yield ratios of ${\rm K^0_S}$ in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13 \rm TeV$ in the high-/low-local-multiplicity, high-/low-$ZN$-energy selections compared to PYTHIA 8 Monash and QCD-CR+Ropes predictions. The classes at fixed multiplicity are displayed in the top panels, and the classes at fixed leading energy are displayed in the bottom panels. The results from PYTHIA 8 with Monash and QCD-CR+Ropes tunes are shown with dashed and full lines, respectively. Statistical and total systematic uncertainties are shown by error bars and boxes, respectively.

Figure 13

Self-normalised yield ratios of $\Lambda$ in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13 \rm TeV$ in the high-/low-local-multiplicity, high-/low-$ZN$-energy selections compared to PYTHIA 8 Monash and QCD-CR+Ropes predictions. The classes at fixed multiplicity are displayed in the top panels, and the classes at fixed leading energy are displayed in the bottom panels. The results from PYTHIA 8 with Monash and QCD-CR+Ropes tunes are shown with dashed and full lines, respectively. Statistical and total systematic uncertainties are shown by error bars and boxes, respectively.

Figure 14

Self-normalised yield ratios of $\Xi$ in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13 \rm TeV$ in the high-/low-local-multiplicity, high-/low-$ZN$-energy selections compared to PYTHIA 8 Monash and QCD-CR+Ropes predictions. The classes at fixed multiplicity are displayed in the top panels, and the classes at fixed leading energy are displayed in the bottom panels. The results from PYTHIA 8 with Monash and QCD-CR+Ropes tunes are shown with dashed and full lines, respectively. Statistical and total systematic uncertainties are shown by error bars and boxes, respectively.