Dielectron production in central Pb$-$Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV

The first measurement of the e$^+$e$^-$ pair production at midrapidity and low invariant mass in central Pb$-$Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}=5.02$ TeV at the LHC is presented. The yield of e$^+$e$^-$ pairs is compared with a cocktail of expected hadronic decay contributions in the invariant mass ($m_{\rm ee}$) and pair transverse momentum ($p_{\rm T,ee}$) ranges $m_{\rm ee} <~ 3.5$ GeV$/c^2$ and $p_{\rm T,ee} <~ 8$ GeV$/c$. For $0.18 <~ m_{\rm ee} <~ 0.5$ GeV$/c^2$ the ratio of data to the cocktail of hadronic contributions without $\rho$ mesons amounts to $1.42 \pm 0.12 \ ({\rm stat.}) \pm 0.17 \ ({\rm syst.}) \pm 0.12 \ ({\rm cocktail})$ and $1.44 \pm 0.12 \ ({\rm stat.}) \pm 0.17 \ ({\rm syst.}) ^{+0.17}_{-0.21} \ ({\rm cocktail})$, including or not including medium effects in the estimation of the heavy-flavor background, respectively. It is consistent with predictions from two different models for an additional contribution of thermal e$^+$e$^-$ pairs from the hadronic and partonic phases. In the intermediate-mass range ($1.2 <~ m_{\rm ee} <~ 2.6$ GeV$/c^2$), the pair transverse impact parameter of the e$^+$e$^-$ pairs (DCA$_{\rm ee}$) is used for the first time in Pb$-$Pb collisions to separate displaced dielectrons from heavy-flavor hadron decays from a possible (thermal) contribution produced at the interaction point. The data are consistent with a suppression of e$^+$e$^-$ pairs from ${\rm c\overline{c}}$ and an additional prompt component. Finally, the first direct-photon measurement in the 10% most central Pb$-$Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}=5.02$ TeV is reported via the study of virtual direct photons in the transverse momentum range $1 <~ p_{\rm T} <~ 5$ GeV$/c$. A model including prompt photons, as well as photons from the pre-equilibrium and fluid-dynamic phases, can reproduce the result, while being at the upper edge of the data uncertainties.


Submitted to: PRC
e-Print: arXiv:2308.16704 | PDF | inSPIRE
Figure group

Figure 1

Raw yield ($S$) overlaid with the opposite-sign pair distribution and the combinatorial background (left panel), as well as signal-over-background ratio (right panel), in the 10\% most central \PbPb collisions at \mbox{\fivenn}.

Figure 2

Left panel: double ratio of the measured ${\rm K^{\pm}/\pi^{\pm}}$ \pt spectra in central \PbPb collisions and in pp collisions at \fivenn  dilated as a function of \pt by the ratio of the $\eta$ and $\rm K^{\pm}$ meson mass (see text). Right panel: measured  and parameterized $\frac{\eta}{\pi^{0}}$ ratios in hadronic collisions and central \PbPb collisions, respectively.

Figure 3

Left panel: measured nuclear modification factor of single electrons from heavy-flavor hadron decays , as well as its parameterization and the estimated nuclear modification factor caused by pure cold-nuclear matter effects with EPS09 nPDFs\,, in the 10\% most central \PbPb collisions at \fivenn. Right panel: resulting nuclear modification factor of \ee pairs from correlated open heavy-flavor hadron decays computed with a toy MC (see text) for two different \ptee.

Figure 4

Upper panels: dielectron $m_{\rm ee}$-differential yields in the 10\% most central Pb--Pb collisions at \mbox{\fivenn,} compared with the expected e$^{+}$e$^{-}$ contributions from known hadronic decays, including two different estimations for dielectrons from correlated heavy-flavor hadron decays (left panel), and two predictions for thermal radiation from the medium  (right panel). Bottom panels: ratios data to cocktails, together with the expected ratios from the models. The error bars and boxes represent the statistical and systematic uncertainties of the data, respectively, whereas the bands show the uncertainties of the hadronic cocktails.

Figure 5

Excess yield of dielectrons in the 10\% most central \PbPb collisions at \fivenn with respect to the expected \ee contributions from known hadronic sources, including or not including medium effects for the heavy-flavor contributions, and compared with predictions from the model of R. Rapp  (left) and from the PHSD transport approach  (right).

Figure 6

Upper panels: dielectron \ptee-differential yields in two different \mee ranges, $0.18 < \mee < 0.34$ \GeVmass (left) and $1.2 < \mee < 2.6$ \GeVmass (right), in the 10\% most central Pb--Pb collisions at \fivenn, compared with the expected e$^{+}$e$^{-}$ contributions from known hadronic decays, including two different estimations for dielectrons from correlated heavy-flavor hadron decays (see text). Bottom panels: ratios data to cocktails, excluding the contribution from vacuum $\rho$, together with two predictions for thermal radiation from the medium . The error bars and boxes represent the statistical and systematic uncertainties of the data, respectively, whereas the bands show the uncertainties of the hadronic cocktails.

Figure 7

Upper panel: inclusive \ee yield in the 10\% most central \PbPb collisions at \fivenn as a function of DCA$_{\rm ee}$ in the mass range $2.6 < m_{\rm ee} < 3.1$ \GeVmass, compared with a cocktail of expected sources, including medium effects for the heavy-flavor contributions. Bottom panel: corresponding data to cocktail ratio. Statistical and systematic uncertainties on the data are shown as vertical bars and boxes, respectively. The total uncertainty of the cocktail is represented as a grey band.

Figure 8

Upper panel: inclusive \ee yield in the 10\% most central \PbPb collisions at \fivenn as a function of DCA$_{\rm ee}$ in the mass range $1.2 < m_{\rm ee} < 2.6$ \GeVmass, compared with the expected e$^{+}$e$^{-}$ contributions from known hadronic decays, including two different estimations for dielectrons from correlated heavy-flavor hadron decays (see text). Bottom panels: ratios data to cocktail, together with two predictions for thermal radiation from the medium . Statistical and systematic uncertainties on the data are shown as vertical bars and boxes, respectively. The total uncertainty of the cocktails are represented as band.

Figure 9

Left panel: fit of the inclusive \ee yield in the 10\% most central \PbPb collisions at \fivenn as a function of DCA$_{\rm ee}$ in the mass range $1.2 < m_{\rm ee} < 2.6$ \GeVmass. Right panel: corresponding $\chi^{2}$ as a function of the two fit parameters, i.e. the ratio of the yield of \ee pairs originating from a prompt source or from open-charm hadron decays to the measured \ee yield. See text for more details.

Figure 10

Left panel: fit of the dielectron yield with the three-component function defined by Eq. \ref{equationdir} in the 10\% most central \PbPb collisions at \fivenn as a function of \mee in the \ptee range $1 < \ptee < 2$ \GeVc. Right panel: ratio of direct to inclusive photon yields extracted from the dielectron spectra as a function of \pt in central \PbPb collisions at \fivenn. Statistical and systematic uncertainties on the data are shown separately as vertical bars and boxes, respectively.

Figure 11

Direct-photon invariant yield in the 10\% most central Pb--Pb collisions at \fivenn, compared with the predictions from a state-of-the-art model . The error bars and boxes represent the statistical and systematic uncertainties of the data, respectively.

Figure 12

Integrated direct-photon yield in the \pt range $1 < \pt < 5$ \GeVc (or $1 < \pt < 3$ \GeVc) in Pb--Pb collisions at \fivenn and \twosevensixnn , in \AuAu collisions at \twoHnn as measured by the PHENIX  and STAR  collaborations, and in \pp collisions at \twoH . The data are compared to predictions from a state-of-the-art model . The error bars and boxes represent the statistical and systematicuncertainties of the data along the y-axis, respectively. The horizontal width of the boxes shows the total uncertainty of the measured $\frac{{\rm d}N_{\rm ch}}{{\rm d}\eta}|_{\eta = 0}$ .