($\mathrm {\Lambda}$+$\mathrm {\overline{\Lambda}}$)/2$\Kzs$ as a function of $\pT$ for different collision energiesin pp and $\ppbar$ minimum bias events The STAR ratio is taken from whereas the CDF and UA1 ratios are computed with the ($\mathrm {\Lambda}$+$\mathrm {\overline{\Lambda}}$) and $\Kzs$ spectra published in and respectively The ALICE and STAR ratios are feed-down corrected Because the $\Kzs$ and ($\mathrm {\Lambda}$+$\mathrm {\overline{\Lambda}}$) spectra from UA1 have incompatible binning, the $\Kzs$ differential yield has been calculated for each ($\mathrm {\Lambda}$+$\mathrm {\overline{\Lambda}}$) $\pT$ data point using the fit function published by UA1. Such a choice is motivated by the fact that the $\chi^{2}$ value for the $\Kzs$ spectrum fit is better than that for the ($\mathrm {\Lambda}$+$\mathrm {\overline{\Lambda}}$) spectrum. |