$\pt$-differential production cross section of prompt $\Dzero$ mesons with $|y|< 0.5$ in the interval $0< \pt< 16 \gev/c$, in pp collisions at $\sqrt s =7 \tev$. The data points in $0< \pt< 2 \gev/c$ are obtained from the analysis described in this article, while the data points in $2< \pt< 16 \gev/c$ are taken from Ref[50]. The cross section is compared to three pQCD calculations: FONLL (top-left panel), GM-VFNS (top-right panel) and a leading order (LO) calculation based on $k_{\rm T}$-factorisation (bottom-left panel) In the bottom-right panel, the ratios of the data to the three calculatedcross sections are reported.
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