Figure 1

Distributions of the ${\rm K}\pi$ invariant mass for $\Dzero$ candidates (upper panels) and ${\rm K}\pi\pi$ invariant mass for $\Dplus$ candidates (central panels) and of theinvariant mass difference $M({\rm K}\pi\pi)-M({\rm K}\pi)$ for $\Dstar$ candidates (lower panels) and the corresponding charge conjugates in two $\pt$ intervals (left and right panels) for $16.4\times10^6$ Pb--Pb collisions in the 0-10% centrality class. The curves show the fit functions described in the text. The red short-dashed line represents the background fit function For the $\Dzero$ meson, the gray dashed line represents the background without the inclusion of the template for the contribution of reflections, i.e.,signal candidates with swapped ${\rm (K,\pi)}$ mass hypothesis. The template is defined as the sum of two Gaussians with parameters fixed to the values obtained in simulation.