Measured $\rm K^{*0}$ meson mass (a) and width (b) in Pb--Pb collisions at $\snn$ = 2.76 TeV in the 0-20% and 60-80% centrality intervals, along with the values extracted from Monte-Carlo HIJING simulations. Measured $\Phi$ meson mass (c) and width (d) in Pb--Pb collisions at $\snn$ = 2.76 TeV in the 0-10% and 70-80% centrality intervals. The $\Phi$ width extracted from HIJING simulations is also shown. The vacuum values of the $\rm K^{*0}$ and $\Phi$ mass and width \cite{PDG} are indicated by the horizontal dashed lines. The statistical uncertainties are shown as bars and the total systematic uncertainties (including $\pt$-uncorrelated and $\pt$-correlated components) are shown as boxes. |