Figure 36

(Left) \pT-differential \ratioLamOverKzs  ratio in \PbPb\ collisions at \sqrtSnn = 2.76 \tev\ compared to pp collisions at \sqrtS = 7 \tev\ for the inclusive production  and for the production in jets . (Right) \pT-differential double ratios (baryon/meson ratios in \PbPb\ divided by the \pp\ ones at a same colliding energy) for \proton/\Pion{} at \sqrtSnn = 5.02 \tev  and \ratioLamOverKzs{} at \sqrtSnn = 2.76 \tev . Results are shown for several centrality intervals. Systematic uncertainties are shown as boxes while statistical uncertainties as vertical bars. The relative systematic uncertainty on the pp results in the double ratios, which is correlated among the different centrality intervals of the \PbPb\ measurements is displayed separately in the lower panel.