Figure 1

Examples of the extraction of the per trigger correlated charged hadron yield ($0.15< p_{\rm T}^{\rm h} < 1.0$ GeV/c) for inclusive J/$\psi$ in the $p_{\rm T}$ ranges $0 < p_{\rm T}^{J/\psi} < 3$ GeV/c (left) and $8 < p_{\rm T}^{\rm J/\psi} < 15$ GeV/c (right) for $|\Delta\eta|< 1$ and $0 < \Delta\varphi < \pi/12$. The top panels show the invariant mass distribution of the dielectrons with the signal and background components as described in Sec. 3.2. The bottom panels show the invariant mass dependence of the charged hadrons correlated yield. The total fit function ($C_{m_{ee}}$), the signal ($C_{\rm J/\psi}$) and the total background ($C_{\rm bkg}(m_{ee})$) components as defined in Eq.2 are also shown. The band around the total fit function in the bottom panels shows the 1$\sigma$ confidence interval.