Average of prompt $\rm D^0$, $\rm D^+$ and $\rm D^{*+}$ $\RAA$ in the centrality classes 0-10% (a and b) and 30-50% (c and d) compared with model calculations: ${\it Djordjevic}, {\it CUJET3.0}$, ${\it WHDG}, {\it Vitev}$ (a and c), ${\it TAMU elastic}$, $ {\it Cao, Qin and Bass}$, ${\it MC@sHQ+EPOS, Coll+Rad(LPM)}$, $ {\it POWLANG}$, $ {\it BAMPS}, {\it PHSD}$ (b and d) .Some of the model calculations are shown by two lines to represent their uncertainties. | |