Invariant mass distributions for K*$^0$ and $\phi$ in the multiplicity class 0--100$\%$ and transverse momentum range 1.4 $\leq p_{\rm T} <$ 1.6 GeV/$c$ and 0.6 $\leq p_{\rm T} <$ 0.8 GeV/$c$, respectively. In the upper panels, (a) and (b), black markers show the unlike-sign invariant mass distributions and red markers show the normalized mixed event background. After the background subtraction the signals are shown in the lower panels (c) and (d). The K*$^0$ peak is described by a Breit-Wigner function whereas the $\phi$ peak is fitted with a Voigtian function. The residual background is described by the 2$^{nd}$ order polynomial function.