Nuclear modification factor $R_{\rm pPb}$ of non-prompt \PJpsi as a function of rapidity (left panel) and as a function of \pt at midrapidity (right panel). The results are compared with similar measurements from the LHCb and ATLAS experiments Vertical bars and the open boxes indicate the statistical and systematic uncertainties, respectively. The uncertainty due to the extrapolation to $\pt = 0$ GeV/$c$ for the ALICE measurement is reported as a shaded box in left panel, while the filled box around $R_{\rm pPb} = 1$ in the right-hand panel denotes the size of the global normalisation uncertainty The predicted nuclear modification factors according to the nDSg (central value shown in the left panel only) and EPPS16 parameterisations (including a reweighted computation from ) are shown superimposed on both panels.