(Left panel) Ratios of transverse momentum spectra of \simplekstarch in inelastic pp events at \sqrtS = 8 and 13 TeV to corresponding spectra at 5.02 TeV. Statistical and systematic uncertainties are shown with error bars and empty boxes, respectively. The normalization uncertainties are shown as coloured boxes around 1 and they are not included in the point-to-point uncertainties. Blue and red histograms represent the predictions for the same ratios from PYTHIA6 Perugia 2011, PYTHIA8 Monash 2013, and EPOS-LHC (Right panel) Ratios of transverse momentum spectra of \simplekstarch, $\Kp +\Km$ and $\pionp + \pionm$ in inelastic pp events at \sqrtS = 13 TeV to corresponding spectra at 5.02 TeV . Statistical and systematic uncertainties are shown with error bars and empty boxes, respectively.