Left: Combined tracking efficiency and acceptance as a function of \pT for different particle species and the sum of all, obtained in Monte Carlo simulations of pp collisions at $\s = 5.02$ TeV with PYTHIA 8 (Monash 2013 tune). For $\pt > 1$ GeV/$c$ parameterizations are shown. The relative systematic uncertainties on parameterizations are small ($< 0.2\%$) and are not shown. The statistical uncertainties for $\pt < 1$ GeV/$c$ are smaller than the symbol size ($< 0.5\%$). Right: The relative particle abundances as a function of \pt in Monte Carlo (open symbols, for $\s = 5.02$ TeV) and in data (full symbols, for $\s = 7$ TeV). The data are extrapolated beyond the range of the measurements (see description in the text). The statistical and systematic uncertainties (combined $< 1.6\%$) are not shown. |   |