The nuclear modification factor \RpPb of prompt \Lcplus baryons in \pPb collisions at \sqrtsNN = 5.02 TeV as a function of \pT compared to that of D mesons (average of \Dzero, \Dplus and \Dstar in the range $1 < \pt < 12$ \gevc, and \Dzero in the range $0 < \pt < 1$ \gevc) (left panel) and to model calculations (right panel). The predictions for the comparison are the \Lcplus \RpPb from the {\sc powheg} event generator with EPS09NLO parameterisation of the nuclear modification of the PDFs and the charm-hadron \RpPb from the POWLANG transport model assuming a QGP is formed in \pPb collisions. | |