Associated yield per trigger particle as a function of $\Dphi$ averaged over $|\Deta| < 1.8$ for pairs of charged particles with $2< p_{\mathrm{T, trig}}< 4$ $\gevc$ and $1< p_{\mathrm{T, assoc}}< 2$ $\gevc$ in p-Pb collisions at $\snn=5.02$ TeV for different event classes, compared to pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 2.76$ and 7 TeV. For the event classes 0-20$\%$, 20-40$\%$ and 40-60$\%$ the long-range contribution on the near-side $1.2< |\Deta|< 1.8$ and $|\Dphi|< \pi/2$ has been subtracted from both the near side and the away side as described in the text. Subsequently, the yield between the peaks (determined at $\Dphi \approx 1.3$) has been subtracted in each case. Only statistical uncertainties are shown; systematic uncertainties are less than 0.01 (absolute) per bin. | |