Trigger-normalized semi-inclusive recoil jet distributions for ${\rm TT_{sig}}$ and ${\rm TT_{ref}}$-selected populations in central Pb$-$Pb collisions at $\sqrtsNN=5.02$ TeV, for $R=0.2$ (top), 0.4 (middle), and 0.5 (bottom). The ${\rm TT_{ref}}$ distribution has the $\Delta\rho$ calibration applied and is scaled by $c_{\rm Ref}$. The resulting $\Delta_{\rm recoil}$ distribution is also shown. Left panels: Distributions as a function of $p_{\rm T,\text{ch jet}}^{\rm reco}$ in the $\Delta\varphi$ acceptance of the $\Delta_{\rm recoil}(p_{\rm T,jet})$ analysis. Right panels: Distributions as a function of $\Delta\varphi$, for $p_{\rm T,\text{ch jet}}^{\rm reco}\in[20,30]$ GeV/$c$. Data points with a negative value for $\Delta_{\rm recoil}$ are not shown, but all such points are consistent with zero within statistical error.