Figure 3

Trigger-normalized semi-inclusive recoil jet distributions for ${\rm TT_{sig}}$ and ${\rm TT_{ref}}$-selected populations in central Pb$-$Pb collisions at $\sqrtsNN=5.02$ TeV, for $R=0.2$ (upper panels), 0.4 (middle panels), and 0.5 (lower panels). The $\Delta\rho$ correction (Sec. 4.1) has been applied to the ${\rm TT_{ref}}$ distributions. The left column shows distributions in the $\Delta\varphi$ acceptance of the $\Delta_{\rm recoil}(p_{\rm T,jet})$ analysis. The remaining columns show distributions in selected $\Delta\varphi$ bins for the $\Delta_{\rm recoil}(\Delta\varphi)$ analysis, with the second column having the largest deviation from $\Delta\varphi=\pi$ and the rightmost column at $\Delta\varphi\approx\pi$.