ALICE measurements of inclusive (top) and leading (bottom) subjet $z_r$ distributions in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=5.02$ TeV, compared to NLL$^\prime$ predictions carried out with SCET and corrected for missing neutral-particle energy and multi-parton interaction effects using PYTHIA8 or HERWIG7. The shaded bands denote systematic uncertainty on the NLL$^\prime$ calculations. The distributions are normalized such that the integral of the region defined by $0.7< z_r < z_r^{\rm NP}$ is unity,where $z_r^{\rm NP}$ is denoted by the dashed vertical blue lines. The non-perturbative scale in Eq. 4 is taken to be $\Lambda$ =1 GeV/$c$ In determining the normalization, bins that overlap with the dashed blue line are considered to be in the non-perturbative (right) region.