Left: inclusive $\Dzero$-meson production cross sections from the analysis without decay-vertex reconstruction in p--Pb collisions and pp collisions, both at $\sqrtsNN =5.02 \tev$. The cross section measured in pp collision is scaled by the Pb mass number ($A=208$) and corrected for the rapidity shift in p--Pb collisions using FONLL calculations. Right: $\pt$-differential production cross section of prompt $\Dzero$ mesons with $-0.96< y_{\rm cms}< 0.04$ in p--Pb collisions at $\sqrtsNN =5.02 \tev$, measured with and without decay-vertex reconstruction. The vertical bars and the empty boxes represent the statistical and systematic uncertainties. The inset shows the ratio of the measurements in their common $\pt$ range |   |