Examplary invariant-mass distributions for $\Dzero$, $\Dplus$, and $\Ds$ candidates (plus charge conjugates) and the mass difference $\Delta M = M_{{\rm K} \pi\pi} -M_{{\rm K} \pi}$ for $\Dstar$ candidates (and charge conjugates) in minimum-bias p--Pb collisions at $\sqrtsNN=5.02 \tev$ The dashed curves represent the fit applied to the background, while the solid lines represent the total fit function In the case of the $\Dzero$ meson, the contribution of signal reflections in the invariant-mass distribution is shown using a gray dot-dashed line. In the case of the $\Ds$ invariant-mass distribution, an additional Gaussian is used in the fit function in order to describe the $\Dplus$ signal peak on the left side of the $\Ds$ signal. | ![](https://alice-publications.web.cern.ch/sites/default/files/papers/5356/MassD0_pPb2016_MB_5TeV_pt2-3-100797.png ) ![](https://alice-publications.web.cern.ch/sites/default/files/papers/5356/MassDplus_pPb2016_MB_5TeV_pt24-36-100801.png ) ![](https://alice-publications.web.cern.ch/sites/default/files/papers/5356/MassDstar_pPb2016_MB_5TeV_pt9-10-100803.png ) ![](https://alice-publications.web.cern.ch/sites/default/files/papers/5356/MassDs_pPb2016_MB_5TeV_pt2-4-100810.png ) |