Transverse momentum dependence of (a, b, c) \p/$\phi$ = (p + \pbar)/$\phi$, (d, e, f) \kpi = (\kap + \kam)/(\pip + \pim), (g, h, i) \ppi = (p + \pbar)/(\pip +\pim) and (j, k, l) \lmb/\kzero\ (from top to bottom row) yield ratios in (a, d, g, j) pp, (b, e, h, k) p-Pb and (c, f, i, l) Pb-Pb collisions for high- and low-multiplicity classes, respectively. Cancellation of common systematic uncertainties in the numerator and denominator was carried out only for the \lmb/\kzero, as in other cases the cancellation is non-trivial because of the use of various combined identification techniques or, in the case of resonances, of significantly different analysis strategy. Reference p-Pb and Pb-Pb data from . | |