Comparison of several theoretical calculations to the invariant differential \pai and \e yields produced in NSD \pPb collisions at -1.365 $< y_{\mathrm{cms}}< $ 0.435 at \spPb from \hyperref[fig:Pi0EtaYieldsModels]{Fig. \ref*{fig:Pi0EtaYields}}. Theoretical calculations are shown for the EPOS3 model , CGC model , pQCD calculations at NLO using EPPS16 nPDF or using the nCTEQ nPDF and DSS14 FF for the \pai and using nCTEQ nPDF and AESSS FF for the \e meson, hydrodynamic framework (labeled as VISHNU) using the iEBE-VISHNU code , DPMJET model , and HIJING model . The blue band on the EPOS3 calculationshows the statistical errors of the prediction. The gray band on the pQCD calculation includes the uncertainties on the factorization, renormalization and fragmentation scales, as well as on the nPDF and FF The ratios of the measured data and several theoretical calculations to the data Tsallis fits (\hyperref[fig:Pi0EtaYieldsModels]{Fig. \ref*{fig:Pi0EtaYields}}) are shown in the right panel. |   |