$\pt$-differential production cross sections of prompt $\Dzero$ (top-left), $\Dplus$ (top-right), $\Dstar$ (bottom-left) and $\Ds$ (bottom-right) mesons with $-0.96< y_{\rm cms}< 0.04$ in p-Pb collisions at $\sqrtsNN=5.02 \tev$, compared with the respective pp reference cross sections scaled by the Pb mass number $A=208$. For the $\Dzero$ meson, the results in $0< \pt< 2 \gev/c$ are obtained from the analysis without decay-vertex reconstruction, while those in $2< \pt< 24 \gev/c$ are taken from the analysis with decay-vertex reconstruction. The results from the other three D-meson species are the same as in Ref.[49]. The systematic uncertainty of the feed-down correction is displayed separately. | ![](https://alice-publications.web.cern.ch/sites/default/files/papers/2711/Dzero-dsigmadpt-pPb-21836.png ) |