(a) Centrality dependence of the correlator defined in Eq.2 measured with the cumulant method, and from correlations with the reaction plane estimated using the $\rm{TPC}$, the $\rm{ZDC}$ and the $\rm{VZERO}$ detectors. Only statistical errors are shown. The points are displaced slightly in the horizontal direction for visibility. (b) Centrality dependence of the two-particle correlator defined in Eq.3 compared to the STAR data. The width of the solid red lines indicates the systematic uncertainty of the ALICE measurement. (c) Decomposition of the correlators into $\langle{\cos\Dphi_a, \cos\Dphi_b}\rangle$ and $\langle{\sin\Dphi_a,\sin\Dphi_b}\rangle$ terms. The ALICE results in (b) and (c) are obtained with the cumulant method. |  |