Same-charge four-pion full ($C_4^{\rm QS}$), partial cumulant ($a_4^{\rm QS}$, $b_4^{\rm QS}$), and cumulant ($c_4^{\rm QS}$) correlations versus $Q_4$ in pp (a), p-Pb (b), and Pb-Pb (c) collisions. The solid and dashed block histograms represent $E_4(3)$ and $e_4(3)$ with $G=0$, respectively. Systematic uncertainties shown at the top apply to $C_4^{\rm QS}$. The systematics for the other correlation functions are obtained by scaling down the shaded band by the relative correlation strengths. The systematic uncertainties are similar for the expected and measured correlation functions for which the small difference is shown in the ratio. An additional systematic is drawn for $c_4^{\rm QS}$ and is explained in the systematics section. The bottom panel shows the ratio of measured to expected $C_4^{\rm QS}$. The average of the charge conjugated correlation functions is shown. | ![]( ) |