Top panels: Associated yield per trigger particle as a function of $\Dphi$ and $\Deta$ for muon-track correlations in p-Pb (left) and muon-tracklet correlations in p-Pb (centre) and Pb-p (right) collisions for the 0-20% event class, where the corresponding correlation from the 60-100% event class has been subtracted. Statistical uncertainties are not shown. The trigger particle (muon) range is $0.5< \pt^t< 1$ GeV/$c$, the associated particle intervals are $0.5< \pt^a< 4.0$ GeV/$c$ for tracks and $0< \Delta\varphi_{\,\rm h}< 5$ mrad for tracklets Bottom panels: The same as above projected onto $\Dphi$. The lines indicate the fit to the data and the first harmonic contributions as explained in the text | |