Projections onto $\Deta$ (left column) and $\Dphi$ (right column) of $\RtwoCI$ (top row) and $\PtwoCI$ (bottom row) correlation functions of charged hadrons calculated in the selected $\pt $ range in pp collisions at \mbox{$\s$ = 13 TeV}. The $\Deta$ and $\Dphi$ projections are calculated as averages of the two-dimensional correlations in the range $|\Dphi| \leq \pi$ and $|\Deta| \leq 1.6$, respectively. Vertical bars andboxes represent statistical and systematic uncertainties,respectively. Simulations using PYTHIA8 with the Monash 2013 tune and color reconnection (CR) enabled, as described in the text, are shown as green dashed lines.