The $\pt$-differential particle yield ratios ${\rm K}^{*\pm}$/K (a) and ${\rm K}^{*\pm}$/$\pi$ (b) in pp (black marker) and Pb$-$Pb collisions at $\snn$ = 5.02 TeV for 0$-$10$\%$ (red marker) and 60$-$80$\%$ (blue marker) centrality intervals. The bottom panels (c) and (d) show the ratios of Pb$-$Pb to pp results, compared with 0$-$10$\%$ ${\rm K}^{*0}$ results . Statistical uncertainties are shown by bars and systematic uncertainties by boxes. The statistical and systematic uncertainties on the data points are obtained by propagating the statistical and total systematic uncertainties of the measurements.