The $\pt$-integrated particle yield ratios ${\rm K}^{*\pm}$/K, ${\rm K}^{*0}$/K and $\phi$/K measured at midrapidity ($|y| <$ 0.5) in pp and Pb$-$Pb collisions at $\snn$ = 5.02 TeV as a function of $\langle $d$N_{\mathrm{ch}}/$d$\eta \rangle^{1/3}_{|\eta|<0.5}$. For Pb$-$Pb collisions, ${\rm K}^{*0}$/K and $\phi$/K data points are taken from Ref. [39] and for pp collisions ${\rm K}^{*\pm}$/K is taken from Ref. [69]. The results of the Gamma canonical statistical model calculation for ${\rm K}^{*0}$/K, in addition to predictions from the HRG-PCE model , as well as MUSIC with and without afterburner are shown. Statistical uncertainties are shown by bars, total systematic uncertainties by open boxes, and the multiplicity-uncorrelated systematic uncertainty by the shaded boxes. The two highest multiplicity data points for ${\rm K}^{*0}$ and $\phi$ mesons are slightly shifted for visibility.